martes, 21 de abril de 2009

Hello everybody, as you know I’m student of Public Administration. I don’t enjoy visiting web sites, I used they because I need it.
This web site isn’t related to the future of my career, but is very useful in the present, I refer to .
You should know it, almost all the teacher use u-cursos to send text or information of the subject. All the class have an account, and with that they can read the information or download it, so I like the site because is very practical.
I didn’t found the web site, I wasn’t searching a page with that characteristics. I know it because the professors have talk about it.
I always visit the site, I’m not a big fan, is not beautiful, but is necessary to visit it, because as I told before, there you can find a lot a material to prepare to the tests, so if I don’t revise my account probably I’m going to get bad marks.

4 comentarios:

  1. yeeahh!! this is the best page for the career or the only we use! xD hey visit to do your english homework ! hahahahaha

  2. you forgot to put the title.
    I use U-cursos to, is very useful.

  3. U-Cursos Rulz!!!!! is the best website, I use it every day, also the junior teachers upload all works there... good luck!!!

  4. Where is your gerund and infinitive?

    Don't forget to follow instructions completely:
    - use at least one gerund form and one infinitive form--make them bold!

    Some corrections:

    Hello everybody, as you know I’m *a* student of Public Administration. I don’t enjoy visiting web sites, *but* I *use them* because I need *to*.
